I'm a bit of a moron.
After posting the last bit of blogshok - I then vaisihed into the hills of northern new england for a few weeks of solid work on the tome.
as a result I've missed lots of parties -buthtat is kinda like the point. I need to write. Wriitng needs silence and no distraction.
sydney is full of noise and distraction.
Hell! I even missed my radio gig.
Sorry if anyone pannicked.
I've been staying safely and quietly wiht my Mum and coz she has a TV I've been placed in the unfortunate position oflistening to the news on a daily basis.
As a result I'm aware that John Howard is trying to rush the anti-terrorism legislation through parliament this week.
Like many people I'm shit scared.
I'm shit scaredbecause even innoccuous things like my BAXTER paintings could have me arrested and charged under thenew sedition laws.
So could any artists who writes lyrics, does paitigns, makes a video, zine, t-shirt, drawing,poem, story that in someway casts nasturtiumso apon our venerable leader Kim Il Sung - err.. John Howard.
I kid you not.
Right now my choices are:
Emigrate - I've got my ticket for december - but its a return one at present. -
Pray to God to grant us a federal opposition - doingthat but he's not that great with lapsed catholics.
Try to see what sneaky little puny concessions can be gained in order to save some illusiory scraps of social liberty.
In the spirit of the latter approach - I hereby post this internet petition - with a nice sneaky little ammendment that may save my ass and many ofyours!
Real petitions work by sending letters to particular members of parliament. so pleas even if you're overseas - scroll through the following - cut and paste it into a mryiad of emails - and send em off tho the list below.
.Please also forward this polite and pleading letter toas many registered Australian voters as you know.
Maybe in the new age of terror, we can't even preserve a shred of our interesting democratic society, but its worthwhile giving it a shot.
btw - this info came from the National Association of Visual Arts. and not MX, GLW or the chaser......Even my old art school is shit scared.
.... I am writing to alert you to the potential impact of the Sedition Clause in the Anti-Terrorism legislation proposed for introduction into parliament in the next few days (for draft legislation seewww.chiefminister.act.gov.au).
NAVA believes that this will jeopardise both artists'and arts organisations' freedom of expression and action (see attached media release sent yesterday).The government has not demonstrated a need for these new sedition laws. These changes should not be made,and certainly not without proper public discussion. If the government intends to proceed with the lawsthen the new offences are too wide because they affect unfairly and in breach of freedom of expression(recognised at international law). The government must limit the ambit of the new offences to protect artists, journalists and others involved in the visual arts. NAVA urges you to take immediate action by writingto, ringing or arranging to meet with any or all of the parliamentarians listed below (and attached) to tell them that changes need to be made to the legislation in order to protectartists' and other people's rights to freedom of expression. Even if the legislation is introduced into the lower house of parliament there is still time to negotiate changes.
We have sought the advice of the President of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights as to exactly what changes should be made. This advice is included here for your reference.
Proposed Amendment to the Anti-Terrorism Bill 2005
Omit sub-sections 80.2(7), (8), (9)
Insert after 80.2(6) the following: ³80.2A Exemption Sections 80.1 and 80.2 do not apply toanything said or done reasonably and in good faith:
(a) in the creation, performance, exhibitionor distribution of an artistic work; or
(b) in the course of any statement,publication, discussion or debate made or held for anygenuine academic, artistic or scientific purpose orany other genuine purpose in the public interest; or
(c) in making or publishing:
(i) a fair and accurate report of any event or matter of public interest; or
(ii) a fair comment on any event or matterof public interest if the comment is an expression of a genuine belief held by the person making thecomment.²
Change clause 80.3 Defence for Acts done in good faith, to require the onus of proof to rest with the prosecution rather than the accused."
(The provision is based on s.18D of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 exemption from racial hatred.) As you know, NAVA rarely asks its members to takethis kind of direct action but we consider this suchan important issue that we are contacting you to askthat you act quickly to let the decision makers knowof your concerns. Thanks in anticipation for your support of artists'and arts organisations' rights. Best wishes Tamara -------- >
JON STANHOPE¹S WEBSITE:> http://www.chiefminister.act.gov.au> <http://www.chiefminister.act.gov.au/>> >
FEDERAL LIBERAL PARTY> > Senator the Hon Helen Coonan> Minister for Communications, Information Technology> and the Arts> Senator.coonan@aph.gov.au> minister@dcita.gov.au> >
Senator the Hon Rod Kemp> Minister for the Arts and Sport> Senator.rod.kamp@aph.gov.au> >
The Hon Philip Ruddock MP> Attorney-General> Ag@Ag.gov.au> >
Mr Petro Georgiou MP Member for Kooyong> P.Georgiou.MP@aph.gov.au> >
The Hon Bruce Baird MP Member for Cook> Bruce.Baird.MP@aph.gov.au> >
Mr Russell Broadbent MP, Member for McMillan> Russell.Broadbent.MP@aph.gov.au> >
The Hon Judi Moylan MP Member for Pearce> J.Moylan.MP@aph.gov.au> >
Mr Paul Neville MP Member for Hinkler> P.Neville.MP@aph.gov.au> >
Mr Malcolm Turnbull MP Member for Wentworth> Malcolm.Turnbull.MP@aph.gov.au> >
The Hon Dr Brendan Nelson MP Member for Bradfield> > B.Nelson.MP@aph.gov.au> >
George Brandis, Senator for Queensland> senator.brandis@aph.gov.au> >
Marise Payne, Senator for New South Wales> Senator.payne@aph.gov.au> > >
Kim Beazley, > Leader of the Opposition> Kim.Beazley.MP@aph.gov.au> >
Peter Garrett, > Parliamentary Secretary for Reconciliation and the> Arts> Peter.Garrett.MP@aph.gov.au>
Nicola Roxon > Shadow Attorney-General> Nicola.Roxon.MP@aph.gov.au> > >
The Hon. (Bob) Robert John DEBUS, MP> NSW Minister for the Arts, Attorney General,> Minister for the Environment,> and Minister for the Arts> bob.debus@debus.minister.nsw.gov.au> bluemountains@parliament.nsw.gov.au> >
ACT> Jon Stanhope, > Chief Minister, ACT, Minister for the arts, heritage> and indigenous affairs,> Attorney-General> stanhope@act.gov.au> > NT> Ms Marion Scrymgour MLA,> Minister for Arts and Museums> marion.scrymgour@nt.gov.au> > The Honourable Dr.Peter Howard Toyne,> Minister for Justice and Attorney-General> electorate.stuart@nt.gov.au> > QLD> Hon Rod Welford MP,> Minister for Education and Minister for The Arts> EducationAndArts@ministerial.qld.gov.au> > Hon Linda Lavarch MP,> Attorney-General and Minister for Justice> Attorney@ministerial.qld.gov.au> Attorney@qld.gov.au> CorporateCorrespondence@qed.qld.gov.au> > SA > The Honourable Mike Rann MP,> Premier, Minister for the Arts> premier@saugov.sa.gov.au> > The Honourable Michael Atkinson MP,> Attorney-General> Attorney-general@agd.sa.gov.au> > TAS> Lara Giddings, > Minister for the Arts> Lara.giddings@development.tas.gov.au> > Judy Jackson, > Attorney General> judy.jackson@justice.tas.gov.au> > VIC> The Honourable Mary Delahunty,> Minister for the Arts> mary.delahunty@parliament.vic.gov.au> > The Honourable Rob Justin Hulls,> Attorney General> rob.hulls@parliament.vic.gov.au> > WA> The Hon Sheila McHale MLA, ,> Minister for Culture and the Arts> sheila-mchale@dpc.wa.gov.au> > The Hon Jim McGinty, BA BJuris(Hons) LLB JP MLA,> Attorney General; > jim-mcginty@dpc.wa.gov.au> > > STATES/TERRITORIES OPPOSITION> > NSW> Mrs Jillian Gell Skinner, MP,> NSW Shadow Ministers for the arts> northshore@parliament.nsw.gov.au> > Mr Andrew Arnold Tink, MP,> Shadow Attorney-General> epping@parliament.nsw.gov.au> > SA> Mrs Joan Hall MP, > Shadow Spokesperson, Arts> morialta@parliament.sa.gov.au> > Hon Robert Lawson MLC,> Shadow Attorney-General> raelene.zanetti@parliament.sa.gov.au> > WA> Sue Walker, > Shadow Minister for the Arts> swalker@mp.wa.gov.au> > Bill Scott, > Shadow Attorney-General> bscott@mp.wa.gov.au> > VIC> Andrea Coote,> Shadow Minister for the Arts> andrea.coote@parliament.vic.gov.au> > Andrew McIntosh,> Shadow Attorney-General> andrew.mcintosh@parliament.vic.gov.au> > TAS> Michael Hodgman,> Shadow Minister for the Arts> michael.hodgman@parliament.tas.gov.au> > Jeremy Rockliff, > Shadow Attorney-General> jeremy.rockliff@parliament.tas.gov.au> greens@parliament.tas.gov.au> > > QLD > Stuart Copeland, > Shadow Minister for the Arts> Cunningham@parliament.qld.gov.au> > Mark McArdle, > Shadow Attorney-General> Caloundra@parliament.qld.gov.au> > > ACT> Richard Mulchany, > Shadow Minister for the Arts> mulcahy@parliament.act.gov.au> > Bill Stefaniak, > Shadow Attorney-General> stefaniak@parliament.act.gov.au> > NT> Jodeen Carney > Shadow Attorney-General> jodeen.carney@nt.gov.au> > Terry Mills, > Shadow Minister for the Arts> terry.mills@nt.gov.au> electorate.blain@nt.gov.au> > ------------------------------------------> > Tamara Winikoff> Executive Director> National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA)> PO Box 60,Potts Point, NSW 1335.> Ph: 02 9368 1900> Web: http://www.visualarts.net.au> > NAVA advances the professional interests of the> Australian visual arts and> craft sector through advocacy, representation and> service provision.> > NAVA gratefully acknowledges the assistance provided> by the Australian> Government through the Australia Council,> its arts funding and advisory body, and by the> Visual Arts and> Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian,> State and Territory> Governments.> > >
29 Nov: “Writing complex topics” panel
2 months ago
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