Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Jacques Derrida - Fear of Writing

It was one of those days.... does watching videos of philosophers on youtube make me impossibly tragic?


Skanky Jane said...

Cheers for that - most heartening! (Tragic? Not at all!)

Carolyn said...

Mais pas du tout. Il faut réagir en ce moment, et c'est ça que vous etes en train de faire. Ça reveille ma conscience aussi. C'est un bon boullot que vous faites la!
Groses bises et bon courage, Carolyn

mayhem said...

Tu Parles Francaise Aussie? CHOUUUEETTE!!!

Liz Stokes said...

no-no! c'est super, c'est formidable!
it was a really great slide into gatting an embodied sense of derrida's writing ie - the verb, not the noun. i can't believe i just watched derrida on youtube. that's crazy talk! you're only as tragic as he is half asleep and panicking. i wish that you would teach me french.

mayhem said...

Crikey - how do I take that GL? compliment or .. or???? Abel said that I acquired more than learned French and frog was a language through which I found words for inexpressible things like grief and pain and the first book I read was a shit translation of dorothy alisons' "skin" - but that slide that terible gap between feeling and words - and between states and languages.....
so how could I *teach* that to anyone? fall in love, go through hell, mooch about till words find you?
I guess that's why I love JD's admission of the mad scary power of writing without thinking, of taking language to the impossible... aaah time for a post methinks....